Category Archives: Donetsk

Political groups in “DPR”: reintegrators vs republicans

Internal political life of “DPR” has a lot of paradoxes: local elections were announced and canceled, there are claims as for final separation and returning in Ukraine after them. It is easy to be confused among those cobwebs of political and business-groups, new local “elites”

The reasons for the resumption of shelling in Donbas

In recent days, attacks has renewed on the line of demarcation. In fact, the truce was thwarted November 3, 2015, when the first time during few weeks were used 82 mm. mortars, which has to been withdrawn by the Minsk agreements.

Experts: Minsk agreement paused

While the world’s attention was focused on the attacks on Sinai, Paris and downing of Russian SU-24 bomber, the situation in Donbass again threatens to escalate into active hostilities

OSCE in Donbas: mission-hostage

In the night from 8 to 9 August 2015 were burned the armored vehicles of Special Monitoring Mission (SMM) of the OSCE, parked near the headquarters of the mission at the “Park Inn” hotel in Donetsk. Over the last month is the third case of